In certain instances where new issues have not been resolved, the applicant may have to request an extension beyond the 65 day time limit for Board action. If there are unresolved issues, however, an action may take longer. In many cases, the Planning Board will act on an application at the next business meeting following the hearing.

The Board will specify whether such a hearing will be held as part of their action in any Conditional approval. If the completed application is approved with one or more conditions which are to be fulfilled prior to approval of the subdivision and which may, in the opinion of the Board, pertain to abutting interests, the Board will hold a compliance hearing to determine whether the applicant has complied with the conditions. The applicant and abutters shall be notified not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing in accordance with NH RSA 676:4. The public hearing is normally held at the meeting at which the application is accepted. While it is not possible to always predict what questions or concerns will be raised at the hearing, the staff can normally give an applicant guidance on what to expect. Hearings are normally scheduled for the first and third Thursday of each month. The Planning Board holds hearing on most major applications. Any questions or applications should be directed to this Department. The Planning and Community Development Department provides staff support to the Planning Board. Bylaws of the Board are available to the public. Members are nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. The Board is composed of nine members and four alternates. Regulations for Planned Developments and Conditional Use Permits are contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Applications are available on this web site.

Regulations for subdivisions and site plans are contained in the Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations. The agenda for the meeting is available on line. The Board normally meets twice a month with the first meeting being a public hearing and the second a business meeting. The Planning Board also works on long-range plans such as the community master plan. The Manchester Planning Board hears applications for subdivision, site plans, planned developments and conditional use permits.