However, quotations as well as names of authors and associations will, of course, be represented as they appear in their original sources. Ases, Odin, Midgard) while omitting vowel accents and avoiding foreign characters by transliterating d as dh and p as th in other mythic names and termini (e.g. Hence, I spell these words at my discretion, choosing an anglicized version of proper names whenever such can be found in primary sources (e.g. Since the community has not endeavored to standardize its terminology, the spelling of borrowed words in Heathen writings varies widely, quite often even within a single text. In discussing the contemporary Heathen revival in the United States, it appears inevitable that I use certain termini and names, mostly borrowed from Old Norse or the Anglo-Saxon language, that are specific to the discourses circulating within the Heathen community. Togetherness and the Motivation to MasteryĬommitment and the Moods of Virtuous Conduct

Community, Commitment, and the Practice of Being True Ancestry, Ethnicity, and the Politics of BelongingĤ. Reorganization and Repercussions of ModernityĪlterternative Geographies, Competing Modernities, and the Reality of Religionģ. Kennewick Man, Cultural Pluralism, and the Postindustrial Crisis of Western Modernity Review: Previous Perspectives and PretermissionsĢ. Overview: Community History of American Asatru Introductory: Allies of Asgard in America

Prologue: Ancient Bones and Current Contentionġ.